Michael Rempel
- Policy and Research
Michael Rempel is the Director of John Jay College's Data Collaborative for Justice. In his 23 years at the Center, he oversaw strategic planning and research related to reducing incarceration in New York City. He also served for 16 years as the Center’s research director, building and overseeing a 20-person department that conducts studies on a wide range of justice reform topics He was a principal investigator (PI) on a national study of prosecutor-led diversion programs; PI on a multi-method study of “what works” in school safety; PI on an analysis of decision-making at each stage of criminal case processing in New York City (NYC); PI on a study of the drivers of case delay in NYC’s felony cases; and co-PI on NIJ’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts. He also recently served as staff to the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform (a.k.a. the Lippman Commission). His past work includes leading multiple studies on specialized adult drug courts (serving, for example, as co-PI on NIJ’s Multi-Site Adult Drug Court Evaluation and PI on the first drug court evaluation in Mexico). He also led or participated in a series of NIJ-funded studies of court responses in cases of intimate partner violence, including separate randomized controlled trials of batterer programs in the Bronx, NY and judicial monitoring in Rochester, NY. He frequently presents on evidence-based strategies with criminal offenders, generally, and best practices when using science-based risk assessment tools, specifically. He has long been interested in bridging the gap between the worlds of research and policy and has frequently consulted on evidence-based technical assistance initiatives in New York, nationally, and internationally (the latter in partnership with the Organization of American States).
Publications Results
- When Incarceration Is Automatic: Mandatory Minimums and Race
- Path to Under 100: Strategies to Safely Lower the Number of Women and Gender-Expansive People in Jail in New York City
- The Will to Decarcerate: COVID-19 and NYC's Early Release Program
- Advancing Racial Equity: Shrinking Misdemeanor Prosecution in New York
- Learning from Crisis: Remote Justice in Criminal Courts
- Closing Rikers Island: A Roadmap for Reducing Jail in New York City
- One Year Later: Bail Reform in New York City
- Felony Case Delay: Lessons from a Pilot Project in Brooklyn
- The Facts on Bail Reform and Crime in New York City
- COVID-19 and the New York City Jail Population
- Reducing Pretrial Detention in New York City: Data-Driven Strategies for Decarceration
- Bail Reform Revisited: The Impact of New York’s Amended Law
- Relationships Not Jail: A New Framework for Court-Based Treatment
- Bail Reform and Domestic Violence in New York
- Beyond the Algorithm: Pretrial Reform, Risk Assessment, and Racial Fairness
- New York’s Bail Reform Law: Major Components and Implications
- Understanding Risk and Needs in Misdemeanor Populations
- Domestic Violence Case Processing in New York City
- Reentry Court Research: An Overview of Findings from the National Institute of Justice’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts
- The Criminal Court Assessment Tool: Development and Validation
- Multisite Evaluation of Prosecutor-Led Diversion Programs
- Prosecutor-Led Pretrial Diversion: Case Studies in Eleven Jurisdictions
- Empirical Means to Decarcerative Ends?
- A Person-Centered Approach to Risk and Need Classification in Drug Court
- Demystifying Risk Assessment: Key Principles and Controversies
- Jail in New York City: Evidence-Based Opportunities for Reform
- The Intelligence-Driven Prosecution Model: A Case Study in the New York County District Attorney's Office
- Navigating the Bail Payment System in New York City: Findings and Recommendations
- Implementing Evidence Based Assessment and Treatment Matching: A Feasibility and Impact Study in Three New York City Drug Courts
- Assessment and Treatment Matching: A Case Study of Traditional Practices in Three New York City Drug Courts
- Youth Involvement in the Sex Trade: A National Study
- An Outcome Evaluation of the Defending Childhood Demonstration Program
- Indigent Defense Reforms in Brooklyn, New York: An Analysis of Mandatory Case Caps and Attorney Workload
- Protect, Heal, Thrive: Lessons Learned from the Defending Childhood Demonstration Program
- The Role of the Judge in Specialized Problem-Solving Courts: Balancing Individualized Justice and Predictability
- Drug Courts
- The National Institute of Justice’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts: Staff and Client Perspectives on Reentry Courts from Year 2
- Estudio diagnóstico del Tribunal de Tratamiento de Adicciones de Guadalupe, Nuevo León, México: Observaciones y Recomendaciones (Translation into Spanish, English version separately available)
- The Criminal Justice Response to 16- and 17-Year-Old Defendants in New York
- Evidence-Based Strategies for Working with Offenders
- Improving Courtroom Communication: A Procedural Justice Experiment in Milwaukee
- A Statewide Evaluation of New York's Adult Drug Courts: Identifying Which Policies Work Best
- The Adolescent Diversion Program
- Testing the Cost Savings of Judicial Diversion
- The National Institute of Justice’s Evaluation of Second Chance Act Adult Reentry Courts: Program Characteristics and Preliminary Themes from Year 1
- Testing the Effects of New York's Domestic Violence Courts
- Testing the Efficacy of Judicial Monitoring: A Randomized Trial at the Rochester, New York Domestic Violence Courts
- A Community Court Grows in Brooklyn: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Red Hook Community Justice Center (Full Report)
- The Impact of Integrated Domestic Violence Courts on Case Outcomes: Results for Nine New York State Courts
- The Impact of Adult Drug Courts on Crime and Incarceration: Findings from a Multi-Site Quasi-Experimental Design
- Multi-Site Evaluation Demonstrates Effectiveness of Adult Drug Courts
- The Multi-Site Adult Drug Court Evaluation
- A National Portrait of Domestic Violence Courts
- Court Responses to Batterer Program Non-compliance: A National Survey
- What Makes A Court Problem-Solving: Universal Performance Indicators for Problem-Solving Justice
- Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Two Randomized Trials in a Criminal Court Setting
- A Comparison of Two Prosecution Policies in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence
- Batterer Programs and Beyond
- The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York City: Executive Summary
- The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York City: Volume Two
- Do Batterer Programs Reduce Recidivism? Results from a Randomized Trial in the Bronx
- Does Judicial Monitoring Deter Domestic Violence Recidivism? Results of a Quasi-Experimental Comparison in the Bronx
- Problem-Solving and the American Bench: A National Survey of Trial Court Judges
- A Comparison of Two Prosecution Policies in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence: Mandatory Case Filing vs. Following the Victim’s Lead (Executive Summary)
- A Comparison of Two Prosecution Policies in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence: Mandatory Case Filing vs. Following the Victim’s Lead (COMPLETE DOCUMENT)
- Court Responses to Batterer Program Noncompliance: A National Perspective
- The Staten Island Treatment Court Evaluation: Planning, Implementation, and Impacts
- Applying the Problem-Solving Model Outside of Problem-Solving Courts
- Testing the Effectiveness of Batterer Programs and Judicial Monitoring
- Collaborative Justice in Conventional Courts (Phase Two): Stakeholder Perspectives in California
- The State of Drug Court Research: Moving Beyond 'Do They Work?'
- Action Research: Using Information to Improve Your Drug Court
- Recidivism 101: Evaluating the Impact of Your Drug Court
- Applying Problem-Solving Principles in Mainstream Courts: Lessons for State Courts
- The New York State Adult Drug Court Evaluation: Policies, Participants and Impacts (EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ONLY)
- The New York State Adult Drug Court Evaluation: Policies, Participants and Impacts (CONCLUSION ONLY)
- Collaborative Justice in Conventional Courts (Phase One): Opportunities and Barriers
- Drug Courts, An Effective Treatment Alternative
- The New York State Adult Drug Court Evaluation: Policies, Participants and Impacts
- Specialized Felony Domestic Violence Courts: Lessons on Implementation and Impact from the Kings County Experience
- Predictors of Engagement in Court-Mandated Treatment: Findings at the Brooklyn Treatment Court, 1996-2000